Quality Objective:
Provide a healthy student environment to promote expression of oneself and deepen social and civic engagement.
The Student Services Unit of the School also known as the Office of the Student Services plays an important role within the Institution, serving and providing students with a wide range of academic support services for their needs, such as Student Programs and Activities, Student Handbook Development, Leadership Training, Student Council/Governance and Student Discipline.
Student Programs and Activities
One of the primary functions of this office is to provide quality extra-curricular programs and activities every semester such as Acquaintance Party and Induction of Officers, Sports Festival, Founding Anniversary Celebration, Academic Year-End Party, Seminars and Symposia, among others.
These activities are intended for the holistic development of the students, providing them an avenue to showcase their skills and talents by engaging/interacting with their fellow students.
Student Governance
The office supervises and guides student organizations and student government (Supreme Student Council) in ensuring that the studentry is properly represented in the policy making body of the Institution. The student organizations and student government provide students with valuable leadership experience and further develop their interpersonal skills through collaboration and teamwork. Student governance also plays crucial role in promoting student engagement, welfare and well-being within the campus by providing opportunities to actively participate in the decision-making process in areas that directly affect them.